Auto typing animation for text ("typewriter" effect)
Animate text to simulate it being written one character at at time (a "typewriter" effect).
Authors and contributors to this community extension: Bouh, VictrisGames.
Animate text to simulate it being written one character at at time (a "typewriter" effect), with a customizable time between each character. Useful for dialogue scenes or visual novels.
How to use:
- Add the behavior to a Text object (BBText, Bitmap Text object) and choose the interval between characters.
- Change the typing speed with the "Change interval" action.
- Pause the typing and resume it at any time.
- Use the "Skip to end of text" action to give users a way to skip text they don't want to read
- If the text changes, the automatic typing starts again from the beginning with the new text.
- Use a condition to check if the typing finished.
- Use a condition to check if a new text character was added. This is useful to trigger audio effects.
- Use the "CurrentCharacter" expression to know when a specific character was displayed.
The top-down RPG example uses this extension (open the project online).
Learn how to install new extensions by following a step-by-step guide.
This page is an auto-generated reference page about the Auto typing animation for text ("typewriter" effect) extension, made by the community of GDevelop, the open-source, cross-platform game engine designed for everyone. Learn more about all GDevelop community-made extensions here.