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Fire bullets

Fire bullets, manage ammo, reloading, and overheating.

Authors and contributors to this community extension: 4ian, Mixen, Bouh, VictrisGames.

Fire bullets, manage ammo, reloading, and overheating.

Firing bullets:

  • Cooldown: Time between shots (seconds)
  • Bullet Quantity: Number of bullets created each time Fire Bullet action is used.
  • Firing Arc: Range of angles (in degrees) that bullets will shoot. Bullets are evenly spread within this range.
  • Rotate bullet: Change the angle of each bullet to match the direction it is travelling (enabled by default)
  • Angle Variance: Each bullet trajectory will be adjusted by a random value within this range (degrees)
  • Bullet speed variance: Each bullet speed will be adjusted by a random value within this range (pixels/second)


  • Starting ammo
  • Max ammo
  • Shots per reload. Use 0 to disable reloading
  • Reload duration
  • Automatic reloading is enabled by default, but it can also be done manually.


  • Heat increase per shot. Object is Overheated when Heat reaches 1.
  • Cooling rate per second
  • When overheated, the object cannot fire any bullets


  • Total bullets created
  • Total shots taken
  • Total reloads completed



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This page is an auto-generated reference page about the Fire bullets extension, made by the community of GDevelop, the open-source, cross-platform game engine designed for everyone. Learn more about all GDevelop community-made extensions here.